OS X 10.8 or 10.9 (latest update), Intel Core 2 Duoħ or Windows 8 (latest Service Pack, 32/64-bit), Intel Core 2 DuoĤ GB RAM (6 GB recommended for large KONTAKT Made for the KOMPLETE KONTROL S-Series keyboards

With ACTION STRIKES, SESSION HORNS PRO, and MOLEKULAR This product requires previous installation of one of theħ5 products, over 17,000 sounds, over 440 GB of instruments and Individual products, KOMPLETE 10 ULTIMATE is a must-have for any Price tag almost 90% less than the combined prices of the The classic powerhouse platforms REAKTOR and KONTAKT. ROUNDS and MOLEKULAR, established heavyweights such as MASSIVE, and It's all there - the latest Native Instruments innovations like Plus epic cinematic instruments - this is the superlative

Synthesizers and sampled instruments, creative and studio effects, Instruments and Effects* in one uncompromising package. KOMPLETE 10 ULTIMATE delivers the entire range of KOMPLETE Native Instruments KOMPLETE10ULTIMATECRG Details