On the Tamagotchi Mini and most Tamagotchi Nano releases, the baby stage will last 24 hours, and then evolve into an adult, skipping the child and teen stages. The only exception is a Kuritchi that hatched from an egg which will evolve after an hour and act like a standard baby stage character. On the Tamagotchi Osutchi and Mesutchi, babies will stay for 24 hours before evolving, sleep from 8pm to 9am and make discipline calls. However, on certain vintage releases such as the Mori de Hakken!! Tamagotch, the Tamagotchi will remain in this stage for 24 hours if the white egg is chosen. From the Tamagotchi m!x onward, the baby will not be able to travel outside the house.Īs a general rule, the baby stage will last approximately one hour, and then evolve into the child stage. On most of the early pets released after the 2004 reboot such as the Keitai Kaitsuu Tamagotchi Plus, the IR Communication function cannot be used during this stage. The baby's Hungry and Happy meters deplete faster than any other character or stage, poops at a faster rate, and will take a nap instead of sleeping through the night. On versions that include the naming feature, the baby must be named before the user can begin caring for it. The baby starts off with both the Hungry and Happy meters depleted, therefore requiring immediate care. After the egg hatches, a baby will be born from it. The Baby Stage is the second stage of the Tamagotchi life cycle. Babies born from the white egg can evolve into any adult, while those born from the speckled egg can only evolve into Kabutotchi. The Mori de Hakken! Tamagotch has two eggs the use can choose from. What impact the egg choice has had on these releases is unknown. The TamaOtch, Tamagotchi Friends, and Tamagotchi Pix include a feature that allowed the user to choose one of three possible eggs to hatch. The amount of time it takes for the egg to hatch varies between releases. Every Tamagotchi virtual pet starts with this stage, and the user must set the clock before it can hatch. The Egg Stage is the first stage of the Tamagotchi life cycle. The process of a Tamagotchi going from one stage of the Life Cycle to the next is called Evolution. The process and stages may vary depending on the release, and the amount of Care the user provides can influence the Tamagotchi's growth in a positive or negative way.

The primary stages are Baby, Child, Teenager, and Adult. From there, the Tamagotchi will begin its life cycle. Every Tamagotchi virtual pet begins with a Egg that hatches into a Baby shortly after the clock is set.