Next, you use the Timeline and the Stage to position the elements and define how and when they appear. To build an application in Flash Professional CS5, you create vector graphics and design elements with the drawing tools and import additional media elements such as audio, video, and images into your document. Additionally, Flash allows you to select graphic elements and convert them to symbols-making them easier to reuse and further improving performance when SWF files are viewed online. Using bitmap graphics in Flash projects results in larger file sizes because each individual pixel in the image requires a separate piece of data to represent it. Vector graphics require significantly less memory and storage space than bitmap graphics because they are represented by mathematical formulas instead of large data sets. Flash projects often include extensive use of vector graphics. The SWF format is extremely well suited for delivery over the web because SWF files are very small and take little time to download. You can make media-rich applications by including pictures, sound, video, and special effects.

In general, individual projects created with Flash Professional are called applications (or SWF applications), even though they might only contain basic animation. Flash projects can include simple animations, video content, complex user interfaces, applications, and everything in between. Adobe Flash Professional CS5 is an authoring tool that you can use to create presentations, applications, and other content that responds to user interaction.